Showing posts with label Premium Beautiful Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Premium Beautiful Business. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Titik peluh..Penat lelah..Pahit getir n Linangan air mata..

Tetiba teringin kisah lama pulak....

Inilah hasil titik peluh....penat lelah...pahit getir n linangan air mata...

Syukur pada mu ya Allah....

Idaman Jelita Wedding....

Diam tak diam dah 8 tahun saya bertapak dalam bisnes butik pengantin ni..bukan

senang nak bertahan dlm bidang ni..bnyak gak butik2 bukak tapi lepas beberapa

tahun dah tak nampak dah..Alhamdulillah Idaman Jelita masih lagi bertahan sampai

ke hari ini..terima kasih pada suami...anak2...keluarga dan kawan2 yang

banyak menyokong selama ni.

Sebenarnya banyak dugaan dan cabaran nak buat bisnes..perlukan modal...

ketahanan mental yang tinggi n macam2 lg...perlu sediakan duit sewa setiap bulan..

gaji pekerja...bil apa...air dan macam2 lagi...kalau ikut keuntungan selepas tolak 

modal n segala perbelanjaan tak lah banyak sangat untungnya...setakat nk hidup 

senang tu insyaallah bole la...tapi nak kaya tu...huhu

I.J Team...

Ni sebahagian orang kuat di belakang Idaman jelita..

Masa ni 1st exhibition yg kita orang  join di stadium malawati Shah Alam...

Mula2 takut gak nak join...yelah 1 both je dh 4k++...Masa ni tahun 2010...

Ambil 1 both je masa tu..modal pun tak berapa nak hendak sangat...hehe

Happy Family..

My Heart n Soul.....

Saya pernah rasa jatuh bangun dalam bisnes...kegagalan ada lah satu pelajaran yg

 sangat berguna...Saya belajar dari kegagalan yang lepas...sebab tu lah selagi ada

 peluang saya akan bekerja kuat demi masa depan kami sekeluarga.....

Saya tak nak anak2 saya rasa seperti apa yang pernah saya alami dulu....

...tapi dengan bisnes yang ada ni cukuplah untuk makan pakai dan hidup senang sikit...

sekarang ni semua benda perlukan duit...

Walau pun dah ada bisnes sendiri tapi saya tetap buat part time bisnes...

Bagi saya selagi ada peluang...ada kudrat..why not kita mencuba...

Saya teringin gak nak simpan duit lebih dalam akaun anak2....menghantar ibu dan bapa saya 

ke tanah suci...bercuti keluar negara...buatkan rumah utk mak saya...

dan macam2 lagi...Selama ni saya suka mengamalkan sikap tunggu dan 

lihat...dah setahun saya tunggu dan lihat..nak buat ke tak nak ?....ishhh...!! menyesal sungguh...

Tenguk kawan yang join sama ngan saya masa tu semua dah berjaya...kali ni saya nekad

 untuk mencebur kan diri sepenuh jiwa dan raga pada part time bisnes sy ni....

Saya nampak bisnes ni sangat bagus...dengan company yg strong Hai o yg betul Green Leader Group..

Mentor2 yg hebat seperti  CDM Hanis Haizi.. CDM Maisarah Ibrahim n Norshidah Kamaruddin..

Hanis & Mai


Saya juga ingin menjadi seperti mereka...

Saya yakin saya buat satu keputusan yang betul..

Come join me n be a part of us......

Zaa Wahid

019 266 6769...

Di mana ada kemahuan.....Di situ ada jalan....

Selagi kita berusaha...Doa..dan Tawakal...Insyaallah.....!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Business Opportunity



** if u are searching for side/main income using social media marketing (facebook, blogging, twitter, instagram n etc)
** people who want to start a business but u do not have the idea and guidance…
** Mothers (or anyone) who wants a home based business
** Employers who are sick and tired of working for others
**Opportunity seekers who wants to add another income stream
** Goal oriented people who wants to earn 4,5,6 figure income
** for those who wish to have a financial and time freedom at young age
** Entrepreneurs who wants to diversify into other businesses



We are backed up by strong and establish company  
Hai-o Marketing Sdn. Bhd.
 Establish for 20 years in Malaysia, Listed in BSKL Main Board, 

Syariah Compliance and received many awards such as Anugerah 

Perniagaan Beretika, FORBES Asia Best Under A Billion List, CSR 

Award (Corporate Social Responsibility) and many more.

We sell most wanted, BEST SELLING and killer product which is 


Focusing on 70% health and 30% beauty. Superbrand, Lifetime 

warranty, Comfort and its worth every penny..!! Thousands of women 

all over the world has great experience and gives positive feedback 

wearing this magic corset…!!

With solid Marketing Plan that is fair and transparent. 

Its DO-ABLE, ACHIEVABLE for anyone who wants to be a Premium

 Beautiful entrepreneur. The marketing plan is based on unique 

franchise system, win-win situation, NO money game business…NO 

skim cepat kaya…NO pyramid system..!!

Starting percentage of bonus 21% up to highest level 41% monthly.
Low risks and low capital.
DO it full time or part time..
its your choice..!! and it is Long term business.
This business purely based on your efforts, continously teamwork based working style and long term relationship between you, business partners and mentors.

The more you give, the more you get back…!!
You will be lead by strong team under 
Green Leaders Academy Malaysia 
under the mentorship of  
The pioneer of Premium Beautiful Online Business.

Successful  and experienced leaders with great teamwork, high 

motivation and will provide you with the best and latest strategy to 

build up your business.
6 figures income earners in this  Premium Beautiful Business, proven

 leaders because of keep on building up leaders from time to time…

helping others to achieve what we’ve already achieved.

Backed up by multimillionaire and networking icon in Malaysia
CDM Siti Rohana Yusof and CDM Azlan Deraman

So…lets give yourself a chance to meet us and learn from us how to set

 up this business.
Learn from us how to do this business using  Social Media marketing as

 a platform.
 We can share with you our secret of success and guide you all the way

 along this beautiful, fun and enjoyable journey. 

Young, fun and professional team..!!
 Start take your first step…!!! stop wondering this and that…

just give yourself a chance..and start take action.

who knows…this little step will change your whole life like mine…!! 

got this motivational video from Hanis fb page…very inspiring…!!




so….dont wait too long..!!
take my hand and i’ll walk together with you along the journey 
Zaa Wahid

019 266 6769